Sounding Soil – the project


Sounding Soil is an awareness-raising project of the Biovision Foundation.

We use soil sounds and noises to draw attention to the soil and show how lively a healthy soil can sound. In this way, we bring the soil habitat to life. Social awareness of soil is increased – among the general public as well as among people working in agriculture and forestry, political decision-makers and schoolchildren.

We reach the population with loanable soil microphones and mobile listening stations. We are present at selected locations and events to answer questions. We also provide information and tips on the website:

Interested people in Switzerland can borrow a soil microphone from us and listen to the soil themselves. The soil recordings are part of a sound map and awareness-raising activities.

We want to bring Sounding Soil into schools. Pupils record soils themselves and try to find and identify soil animals. In this way, they combine this experience with new knowledge about the soil ecosystem.

Large quantities of chemical fertilisers and pesticides are used in private gardens. In order to demonstrate environmentally friendly alternatives, we are seeking to collaborate with organisations that offer knowledge, tips and courses on ecological gardening.

With Sounding Soil, Biovision uses innovative means to raise public awareness of ecology and sustainability in the food system. The ultimate aim is to achieve a sustainable approach to food (from production to consumption) and the environment. The state of our soils is of great relevance in the discussion about global nutrition, in the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and especially in the climate debate.

Sounding Soil – the movie

Sounding Soil has already been publicised in various media. We would particularly like to recommend the following programme:

The SRF programme „Einstein“ dedicated an entire programme to ecoacoustics, Sounding Soil and Marcus Maeder: Watch the programme from 21.11.2019 (only in german).

And if you are interested in the first research results, watch the short input here: